SHERIDAN, Wyo. - At such a young age, 16-year-old Mariah Pierce is making a big impact in the community by gifting handmade wooden American flags to first responders, members of the military, and veterans.

The Girl Scout first started the community service project last year, donating to first responders as far as Billings.
“I love my project so much,” Mariah Pierce said recently. “Just want to show my appreciation, and show that I’m thankful for what they’re doing for our community.”

Mariah Pierce and her father, Travis Pierce, started a woodworking business making flags about six years ago. The duo named the business after themselves, T & M Wood Working.
When his daughter brought the idea to him to donate flags to first responders, Travis Pierce was very proud.

“A lot of kids these days, you don’t see them step up and want to do something so special for the community,” Travis Pierce said. “We just like doing it. I mean, right as soon as people see it the look on their face is just like woah.”

They now make 15 to 20 flags in a weekend, each one taking an hour to create. When Mariah Pierce is donating a flag, she will have community members sign the back to show more appreciation.
“Right now with everything she has done, she has got so much support. Not just for here in Sheridan, she’s got it all around,” Travis Pierce said.