BILLINGS — A combination of generosity, hard work, and motivated students resulted in over $100,000 being raised for student activities and programs administered by the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools. And one lucky winner took ownership of a new Chevrolet Equinox.
This is the seventh year Denny Menholt Chevrolet has donated a brand new SUV at no cost to the foundation for a raffle. Tickets were sold both directly from the Education Foundation and by students.
Groups, clubs, student governments, sports teams, or any other recognized organization at any of the schools within School District 2 could sign up to sell tickets. Out of the ten dollar ticket, six dollars went to the student organization and the remaining four dollars to the Education Foundation.
Students like Elli and Jonathan, who helped with the raffle drawing, will directly benefit from the raffle proceeds. Both are raising money for a STEM-related conference to be held in London in the early summer.
Despite hard work since June, staff and board members began to fear they would not reach their fundraising goal this year. But nearly 40 percent of the tickets sold happened in the week leading up to the drawing.