As if a trip to Bali weren’t enough to help you unplug and de-stress, this one hotel offers an added benefit — play time with puppies by the pool. Yep — you read that correctly. The Puri Garden Hotel & Hostel believes in the healing benefits of one-on-one time with puppies, and that’s precisely why they offer guests the chance to pet and play with rescue pups by the pool as they work on unwinding and relaxing.
What they call “Puppy Therapy” is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30–3:30 p.m. for the hotel’s guests. It’s in partnership with the Bali Dog Association, an organization that’s working to put an end to the suffering of street dogs in Bali.

Based on the photos from the hotel’s Instagram, the Puppy Therapy time leads to quality snuggle sessions and plenty of other adorable moments:
Just look at this little guy getting a nap in:
And these two couldn’t look happier if they tried:
There’s always plenty of petting and tail-wagging at these events:
And you’re sure to make plenty of new furry friends:
While simply scrolling through these photos may be enough to make you feel calmer, nothing could possibly compare to experiencing this in person.
Just look at how sweet this looks:
The hotel offers different rooms at varying price points. You can everything from get a bunk bed in a dorm-style room (seen below) for just 310,000 Indonesian Rupiah ($21.91 USD) to double bed suites for 980,000 Indonesian Rupiah ($69.26 USD). So, outside of the price for a flight to Bali, a trip to the Puri Garden Hotel & Hostel seems quite affordable!
When you stay, you’ll also have access to free daily yoga and day trips to the town of Ubud and the surrounding areas. Really, the only thing that might even come close to topping this would be the chance to visit an entire tropical island full of rescue dogs.
When you visit Potcake Place, an animal adoption service on the island of Turks and Caicos, you’ll be able to spend time with a dog while you take a walk on the beach, thanks to their dog “rental” service.
The Potcake Place Instagram account shows how these dogs make the perfect tour guides:
Considering that a recent study shows that working 10 hours a day, especially for a prolonged period of time, can increase your risk of stroke, it might be time to step away from your computer and finally take that vacation, after all.
Happy travels!
This story originally appeared on Simplemost. Checkout Simplemost for other great tips and ideas to make the most out of life.