One Class at a Time


"One Class at a Time" honors Washington Elementary

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Q2, Western Security Bank, City Brew Coffee, and the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools have teamed up for "One Class at a Time." The program recognizes teachers who go above and beyond to help their students.

This week we celebrate not only the teachers and faculty but also the students of Washington Elementary as the school nears the end of its final year. The building will be turned into a charter school designed to help students graduate. Washington students will move to neighboring schools Newman, Miles Avenue, and Broadwater.

"I think just looking back at what we've accomplished this school year, but quite honestly in the last eight to ten years, we're celebrating the success that we've had here," said Principal Josh Monson. "The bulk of the staff that's here now has been here for a good portion of time so we've all worked together for many years and we celebrate the accomplishments that we've had over the course of that time."

The elementary school's final day will be May 31 before the students and teachers move to other schools in the area for the 2024-25 school year. Washington Elementary secretary Julie Wilkinson, who has been at the school for 26 years, wanted to do something special for her second family as they say goodbye.

"I just thought we needed to celebrate the staff, everybody here at the school," said Mrs. Wilkinson. "This family, teachers, students, they are just dear to my heart. I will always cherish the memories that I've had with them."

At the celebration, the students were surprised with a trip to ZooMontana, funded in part by a $500 grant from the Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools proudly sponsored by Western Security Bank. City Brew Coffee was also on hand to serve hot chocolate to the students as well as coffee to the teachers. Here's to the end of an era and the memories that will always be cherished.

If you would like your teacher to be the next recipient, make a nomination HERE.