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Montana, Wyoming lawmakers react to Supreme Court abortion ruling

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Lawmakers in Montana and Wyoming reacted Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning federal abortion protections.

Republican U.S. Sen. Steve Daines of Montana stated in a news release:

“The United States Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs today ends a historic injustice and rightfully ends one of the world’s most horrific abortion policies. The long overdue demise of judicially-imposed abortion on demand gives bright new hope to unborn children and their moms across America. Now the American people begin a new chapter in which they, through their elected representatives at the state and federal level, have the power to end the violence of abortion. I will not rest until the day that every child is protected under our laws and can enjoy our nation’s most sacred right—the right to life.”

Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester of Montana stated:

“For nearly 50 years, women have been able to make their own healthcare decisions without interference from the government. The Supreme Court’s ruling now means women and doctors will be put in jail when exercising this long-held right in states across the country. No judge or politician should be telling women how to live their lives or undermining their fundamental right to privacy. ”

Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana released this statement:

“Today's ruling is a historic victory in protecting and defending the sanctity of life. I have always been a staunch advocate for the lives of the unborn, and today the United States Supreme Court has finally redressed a grievous wrong. Now state legislatures, elected by their constituents, will be able to pass meaningful laws that protect life. Our fight, however, does not end today. Certain states in the union will continue adopting radical abortion measures. Because of that, we must stand united to be a voice and advocate for all lives and do so until every unborn life in the United States is protected.”

Republican Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte stated:

“Today marks a historic win for life, families, and science,” Gov. Gianforte said. “With this monumental decision, the Supreme Court has restored power to the American people and their elected representatives. I'm in discussions with legislative leaders on next steps as we work to protect life in Montana.”

Montana Senate President Mark Blasdel, R-Kalispell, and House Majority Leader Sue Vinton, R-Billings, released a joint statement:

"Today we celebrate the Supreme Court's historic decision to correct a constitutionally wrong decision from decades ago that has harmed so many. As the debate over abortion shifts to the states, all eyes in Montana need to be on our own judicial branch of government. Montana judges should rule based on the text of our state constitution, which doesn't mention abortion at all, and overturn the activist and erroneous Armstrong decision. Unlike Montana Democrats who support abortion on demand until the moment of birth, Legislative Republicans are committed to proceeding strategically to protect pre-born Montana children."

The Montana Democratic Party released the following statement:

“Today, the US Supreme Court stripped away established rights from Americans. Abortion is still legal in Montana, and will continue to be as long as the Montana Constitution stands. But make no mistake, our state Constitution's protections for our private health care decisions, including abortion, are under attack. The Montana GOP is coming for our Constitution and our Right to Privacy. They have made it clear that they won’t stop until they control even our most personal, private decisions. The Montana Democratic Party won’t let them.

Montana Democrats will never stop fighting for our Constitution, our right to privacy, our right to make our own decisions with the dignity we deserve.”

Republican Gov. Mark Gordon of Wyoming stated:

"This is a decisive win for those who have fought for the rights of the unborn for the past 50 years. I signed Wyoming’s prohibition on abortion bill because I believe that the decision to regulate abortions should be left to the states."

Republican U.S. Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming released this statement:

“The Supreme Court today ruled to return power back to states to legislate in a way that reflects the will of their voters. Opponents of this decision want unlimited, on-demand abortions – for any reason – up until the moment of birth. With today’s decision, the United States will no longer have the same anti-life laws as countries like communist China and North Korea.”


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