JOLIET — On Monday, from 1:30 to 6:00 p.m., the Joliet Community Center Hall will host a Vitalant blood drive.
“I received multiple pints, liters, possibly even gallons of blood," said Ashley Engelke, a community center board member who lost her right leg in April of last year.
She has been dedicated to exposure for the event because, amid amputation, blood donations saved her life from sepsis after a series of injuries.

“There were lines drawn all over my leg, going higher and higher," said Ashley. "What used to take five minutes to get out the door, takes, at least, 30.”
While her new way of living has many physical challenges, Ashley said it also comes with mental and emotional obstacles.
“It’s hard to even look at myself in the mirror. It’s hard for me to be raising young children with evolving bodies and evolving conceptions of how they look and how they feel," said Ashley.

Kylan Engelke, Ashley's husband, said while there are challenges ahead, he is glad those of Ashley's time in the hospital are behind their family.
“She has the spice of life … that after the procedure started to come back," said Kylan.