BILLINGS — Scout BSA units from all over Billings and Laurel held their sixth annual "Scouting for Food" drive at Billings Family Service, Saturday.
It's the first time Family Service has been the recipient of the national initiative. Over 50 scouts filtered in and out of the establishment, dropping off and organizing hundreds of pounds of food.
The food will go to the more than 50,000 families that Family Service serves, at a time when it's very much needed.
"I volunteer at Flakesgiving. The line is always really long, it's always like a couple of hours before we're done," said 13-year-old Anonarose Korwald from Troop 394.

"We so far have over 2,200 pounds of food that we've brought in today," said Kara Burpee, a district volunteer for the scouts program.
Troop 394 was just one of seven units who came to Family Service to donate.
"There are a lot of people who don't have a lot in life and sometimes it just feels really good to help others when they're in need," said 13-year-old Cheyenne Cook.
"You just know that people are going to get fed and live longer," 11-year-old Xander Cook added.
"Scouting for Food" was from 8:30 A.M. to noon this morning, but Family Service is always in need of donations and time.