Florists around the country say prices may be higher for flowers this Mothers Day.
Gainan's co-ower Mick Gainan says his stores have been preparing for Sunday.
"Teams worked to about 2:30, 3:00 in the morning on doing fresh flower arrangements," Gainan said about Gainan's Midtown Flowers. "The teams out here at the garden center worked till about 9:00 last night pulling orders for people that have pre-ordered,. That's the way we do it. We don't bring everything in real early. We try to bring it in timely so can have some good shelf life too.
Gainain, who owns Gainan's Heights Flower and Garden and Gainan's Midtown with his family, says as reported nationally, there has been a shortage of flowers.
"Because of COVID many of the farms just kind of took a sabbatical," he said. "They stopped, but some of them didn't even reopen. That kind of messed up the pipeline pretty good."
National stories state prices will be going up 20 percent.
"Not at our store," Gainan said. "We don't increase because of its being a flower holiday. We don't raise prices for that."
Ganain's made the adjustments to get the flowers.
"We've adapted to a lot of that but the shortage of flowers over the last year has been pretty critical," he said.
Gainan's has delivered flowers ever since Mick's parents started the business 70 years ago.
"That's just part of our signature thing too," Gainan said. "That's something we've done since 1951, the original truck is sitting out here on the lawn. That's kind of fun. Our mom used to deliver in that. It was called the panic wagon when all three of us kids were little and stuff. The story goes that she used to throw all three of us in the back of that truck with a few arrangements to deliver and that's what she did."
Mothers day is among the busiest days.
"Mothers Day probably runs parallel to Valentine's Day for us in our world," Gainan said. "It's a nice thing to do and most of the time a lot of our moms have everything. They want just a nice hug and a bouquet of flowers, or a plant is nice to get."
Both Gainan's locations will be open Sunday from 11 to 4.