The end of the school year will be here next week and some parents and students have been preparing to show appreciation for the teachers.
The Education Foundation for the Billings Public Schools has been preparing gift baskets.
About 35 parents and students have helped on Wednesday and Thursday.
The foundation's education appreciation campaign has been a monthly event this school year, and this is the finale.
It's taken volunteers, sponsors, supporters and about $60,000 to make up the special gifts this year.
"For our educators and just the time involved and then having some of these kids that really appreciate and look up to these teachers to come here and help out has been just amazing," said Shawna Morales, a parent and volunteer.
"I'm a volunteer to show appreciation," said Kelly Edwards, parent and foundation board member. "I'm not in the classroom and it brings tears to my eyes knowing how much they do for my kiddos and all of our students. And so this is the least I can do to show our appreciation."
The group is about halfway done with 2,088 gift baskets and the plan is to get them to the teachers next Wednesday.