BILLINGS — Standing almost three feet tall, a gingerbread replica of the DoubleTree hotel in downtown hotel is up for auction for a good cause.
"The highest bidder gets to take this big beast home," said John Clover of the Absaroka Cake Company.
Clover, who worked on the project for 35 hours, has been doing big gingerbread projects in Wyoming for years. But after recently relocating to Billings, he approached the hotel with the idea, and Toys For Tots jumped on board.
"Anybody who cooks does it to make somebody else feel good, feel festive," Clover said. "That adds to the joy of cooking."
To win, go to the lobby of the DoubleTree until Christmas Day and submit a bid for the house - proceeds will go to benefit Toys For Tots. Then on December 26th, the winner will be announced and get to take home this unique work of art.
What you do with it from there, well that's up to the sweet tooth of the family.