BILLINGS — While some grocery stores in Billings are feeling the brunt of supply shortages, shelves at Town and Country Foods were well stocked thanks to the store's diversity of suppliers, said store manager Wayde Anderson on Saturday.
"I know that there's been some shortages out there. Right now, we haven't felt the shortages as much as others. I think that is due to us working with a lot of different resources and distribution centers and doing whatever we can to try to fill the gaps when needed," Anderson said.
Some other stores in Billings haven't been so fortunate, with bare shelves seen this weekend. There were holes on the shelves of the West End Target store on Saturday.
Nationwide, grocers have struggled to find things like cream cheese, pet food and toilet paper, but those items were all in stock at Town and Country.
"We continue to order each day and try to keep it full. Find other resources to be able to get in maybe substitute items for that, just to get it to the consumer. For the most part right now, we're pretty well stocked and pretty surprised and pretty happy with the amount of product that we have in the store. Some people maybe aren't doing as well, but we try to reach out to as many resources as we can, as many distribution centers, whether it's local producers or whatever to get that product on the shelf," Anderson said.
Some places have also found meat to be in short supply with large meat packers like Tyson struggling to find employees. Again the problem is nonexistent at Town and Country, thanks to local suppliers.
"We really haven't had any problems getting meat. Again, we try to do as many local things as we can. I know a lot of Sidney, pretty local. But take a look at the meat case today, it looks pretty full and fresh. We didn't have too many problems as far as meat supply," Anderson said.
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