Update 6:20 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3
BILLINGS - Several regional school districts have announced classes have been canceled on Monday, Feb. 3, due to winter weather.
In addition to the Billings School District, other school closures include Huntley Project, Joliet, Shepherd, Park City, Laurel, and Bridger.
Billings Central and St. Francis have also canceled school for Monday due to the snow.
Elder Grove and Elysian schools are also closed.
Park County School District 6 in Cody, Wyo. is closed. The district will be holding a temporary virtual education day.
Also in Wyoming, Clark Elementary School is closed.
The Lockwood School District announced shortly after 6 a.m. that it will close for the day. It had previously said the district would offer an optional day off.
Here's a current list of school closures and delays:
Billings Public Schools
Billings Catholic Schools
Elder Grove SD
Elysian SD
Huntley Project Schools
Shepherd Schools
Park City Schools
Joliet Schools
Bridger Schools
Columbus Schools
Laurel Schools
Broadview Schools
Lockwood Schools
Reed Point Schools
Lavina Schools
Belfry Schools
Pioneer School
Independent School
Absarokee Schools
Lame Deer Schools
Sweet Grass Co. HS (no busses)
Roundup Schools - no morning buses. Buses will attempt to run in the afternoon. It will be an exempted day for students who remain home.
Watch: School closures and road conditions report on Montana This Morning
Roads and highways across the region are treacherous with snow and ice.
Click here for the latest road conditions across Montana
UPDATE, 10 P.M — Billings Public Schools have canceled school for Monday due to subzero temperatures.
Huntley Project Schools have also canceled school, according to Superintendent Mark Wandle.
Joliet Public Schools have announced closures, according to their Facebook page.
Here is a statement from Billings Public Schools:
Good Evening,
After consulting with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we have decided to call tomorrow, February 3rd, a snow day. There will be no school or school-related activities.
NOAA advised us of worsening weather conditions overnight, including 3-5 inches of snow with a total accumulation of 8-9 inches at the end of the day. This new snow will come in the context of high humidity, which increases the risk of icy roads. NOAA is also predicting very low temperatures of -3 to -4 degrees, along with high wind chill ranging from -15 to -25 degrees.
These conditions put the safety of our students, parents and staff at risk.
Thank you!
Billings Public Schools
UPDATE, 8 P.M. — Billings Central and St. Francis have canceled school for Monday due to the snow. The Lockwood School District will offer an optional day off.
Lockwood does say to expect delay with buses and that an absence will not count against students.
Original Report:
BILLINGS — Billings Public schools announced Sunday evening that parents can choose whether or not their student will attend school Monday because of the weather.
The decision comes as a large winter storm caused snow to fall constantly throughout the day Sunday, with more expected in the forecast.
The school district said they wanted students to be able to attend school Monday if they wanted to. Those who choose not to attend will not be given an absence.
At the moment, the district anticipates that all school hours and bus schedules will remain the same. They advised parents to dress their children in extra clothing before heading to the bus stops in case of delays.
The district said they will continue to monitor the conditions throughout the night, and that if it continues to worsen a full snow day could be called by 5 a.m. Monday morning.