BILLINGS - There is frustration over a $143 million dollar parks bond, with some on the city council concerned the proposed recreation center would take precedence over park improvements.
The council has put together a document hoping to clarify exactly what will be built and where that money will go.
The resolution will let voters know what will be built if the bond issue is passed.
Some on the council say that resolution will make sure some of the smaller projects in the neighborhoods will be built.
The $143 million would build a new rec center with a competition swimming pool and two ice rinks. Along with big upgrades to other city parks.
"We took special care in the resolution to say, the Rec Center has its own budget," said Councilman Tom Rupsis. "And all the parks projects have their own budgets and this is how we expect this to work. And we're not going to poach budgets from one project to fund another."
But as November approaches residents are growing louder.
Many have emailed the council, concerned about what's being asked of taxpayers.
One resident writes: "Did someone bring up ongoing costs after the parks, trails and buildings are added to the maintenance obligations of the city?"
Another writes: "We can't afford to be taxed anymore."
And finally this sentiment: "The last thing we need is another huge tax bill. Please postpone putting the parks agenda on the November ballot."
"These projects are in my opinion critical for Billings," said Rupsis.
Rupsis understands these concerns.
He voted with the majority to pass a resolution by a vote of, 7-4, Monday night to establish clear guidelines on how the bond could be spent.
According to the resolution cost to build a new rec center will be capped out at $110 million, with $85 million from the bond and $25 million from the South Billings Urban Renewal District.
The rest of the approved bond money, $58 million, would be spent on upgrades to other city parks.
"I think there's there's a lot of merit to a rec center but it is early stage there's a lot of unknowns," said Councilmember Jennifer Owen.
She said interest payments on the bonds will bring the cost of the project to more than $200 million.
Also, if the bond passes, in the future, voters will have to approve a mill levy for operating expenses.
Owen voted no and is skeptical the resolution will do what it's intended.
She worries if the rec center ends up costing more than what's budgeted, money will be taken from other parts projects to make up the difference.
"Now the resolution we acted on Monday night was designed to prevent that from happening," Owen said. "But it doesn't have enforcement mechanisms. And it doesn't have a solution."
"By passing this resolution, this is essentially our promise to voters," said Rupsis.