BILLINGS — In the midst of a teacher shortage, Billings Career Center is allowing high schoolers the opportunity to teach preschoolers for their future career.
While most preschoolers only interact with kids their own age, the Billings Career Center Preschool allows high schoolers and preschoolers the opportunity to interact simultaneously in the name of social development.

Teachers in training, it's a unique pre-school concept at the Career Center.
Cindy Keller has been operating the program for 18 years.
"So students who are taking early childhood studies actually come in and they get everything together. They organize it, and they actually teach the unit with teachers, like myself, in the classroom," she said.
So although there is a set curriculum of mathematics, science, and writing, the high schoolers help navigate it.
"Every year these preschoolers teach me something that I didn't know. So, you're always learning, but learning is fun. I just want them to develop a love of learning," Keller said.

Keller works alongside high school early education teacher, Helen Joda.
Joda teaches the high schoolers the basics. She took the class when she was a student, and now her son is entering the program this year.
"It's not just 'Sit down and do this worksheet.' It's always play-based, which is really important developmentally for kids. So, there is no other program that I would want my son to come to, than this one," Joda says.

It's all hands-on learning. According to Keller and Joda, that's the best way for kids to learn.
"Where instead of it's five or six kids to one teacher, sometimes in most of those places it's up to 10, with one teacher, we have almost one-on-one. So, if they're holding their scissors wrong, or their crayon the wrong way, we can see it right away and fix it before it becomes a habit," says Keller.

Starting next week, the preschoolers will be coming three times a week, ultimately preparing for their future educational career.
"It's been a great experience, and I love that I get to inspire the next generation of educators," said Joda.
"I always say I want this to feel like a home away from home, and have them see that learning is fun. You're learning no matter what age you are," says Keller.

Billings Career Center Preschool offers two sessions a day for two and a half hours. There are currently still open slots, at $175 per month, with a $50 registration fee. Visit their website for more information.